Iranian government is the biggest exporter of terrorism and fundamentalism in the world

Iranian government is the biggest exporter of terrorism and fundamentalism in the world
Iranian government is the biggest exporter of terrorism in the world

The Iranian government wants to show that the greatest threat to the present world is ISIS to keep itself away from this charge, but actually the Iranian government is the biggest exporter of terrorism and radical Islam in the world and the only answer to it is firmness. Unfortunately, over the past thirty years, no government dared to stand up against the ambitions of Iran's fundamentalist regime and all of them have negotiated and tried to find a compromise with this regime. For this reason, the threat of terrorism and radical Islam by this regime has been increased. After 30 years, an Arab and regional coalition was formed, and they stood up against of the ambitions of the Iranian government by launching Decisive Storm operation. The Iranian government did not at all expect this reaction from these countries, and now it is asking them to negotiate. It shows that the Iranian government only understands the language of force and decisiveness. So now the Iranian government is in its weakest point and should be more pressured on it to dissuade it to the access to nuclear weapons and acts of terrorism in the other countries.
 As Senator Kirk said on Sunday: “We must use strong economic pressure on Iran to prevent them from getting nuclear weapons.


  1. Yes I agree with you Iran regime is the world’s biggest state sponsor of terror

  2. I read your article and The world must stand up strong against of Iranian government.


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