The cyber police of the Iranian regime, known as FATA, said that the highest rate of cyber crimes occurred on the social network of Telegram, with the announcement of a "63 percent increase in cyber crimes" in Iran in 2017.
Kamal Hadianfar said on Wednesday, July 26, 2017, that 43 percent of cybercrime cases occurred in Telegram this year and 20 percent in Instagram, according to Mehr News Agency.
According to ISNA, FATA chief regarding the removal of the Twitter filters, claiming that the Twitter is a platform for terrorists, also said "it's not correct and Twitter will not be taken off the filters."
However, the majority of government officials and agents use Twitter.
FATA police chief comments have been made following the disagreement between the Iranian authorities and the Iranian judiciary regarding the filtering of this social network.
Abdul Samad Khorramabadi, the deputy attorney general of the regime attacked Minister of Communications and Information, Mahmoud Vaezi, and said he had ignored the order of filtering criminal channels in the telegram, including the Mojahedin Telegram channel.
Abdolsamad Khoramabadi, who was quoted by the ISNA news agency on July 26, 2017, emphasized that the channel (Mojahedin-e Khalq) is a criminal channel in telegram, that its criminality is obvious for all and a judicial order has been issued to block it, but it has not been blocked.
Khorramabadi threatened if these orders were not implemented he would lay charges against the Minister of Communications and Information Technology.
It should be noted that Mahmoud Vaezi on Wednesday, July 19, 2017 acknowledged the ineffectiveness of the filtering to a group of journalists and said: "Over the past four years, we blocked a lot of social networks, immediately people were transferred to other social networks. We blocked We-chat, that was Chinese, and within 24 hours 3.5 million people were transferred to Wattsap. This is while we were able to communicate with Wechat authorities. But Wattsap was American and we actually fell into the well from the pit.
Worried about the spread of telegram messenger, he said: "People were taken to the Telegram from Viber, We are currently in touch with telegram managers, but telegram managers do not block political channels.”
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